
The raspberry (Rubus idaeus) belongs to the family of roses (Rosaceae), is native to Europe, North-Asia and Japan. The fruits and leaves of raspberry were known already in the ancient times and used for its curative effects.

It grows spiny shoots and propagates from rhizomes. It has characteristic white flowers and red succulent fruits with a special beloved flavor.  It has serrated leaves.

In our region it grows on hills and highland, in clearings appear first the wild strawberry, than wild raspberry and last the blackberry bushes.

Active substances

The leaves contain aromatic substances, organic acids, L-ascorbic acid and tanning substances. Its high level of magnesium, phosphor, calcium, and vitamins A, B, C, D and E remedy anemia and strengthen teeth, nails and bones.

The fruits have a strong antioxidant and tumor inhibitor effect.


The leaves are harvested at the beginning of summer, before bloom, since they have more active substances than after ripening of the fruits. Let the leaves dry in the shadow, spread over, protected from the direct sunshine, then store in paper or canvas bag.

Curative effects

The substances extracted from the leaves are used by diabetics, against kidney- and bladder diseases, for those suffering from auricular gout.

Thanks to its constricting effect it is used from time immemorial both in the ayurvedic and traditional medicine for gynecological problems.

Its muscle-tone intensifier effect holds the uterus-, vagina- and rectal-prolapse, attenuates incontinence of urine, varicose and rectum problems. It might also help in case of diarrhea or nausea.

Gynecological effects:
It urges ovulation and shorten the period,
this way it is useful for teenagers with irregular period or later against menstrual cramps and pains, especially in the first part of the period.
2 cups daily helps in conception, ovulation and impregnation, improves the quality of the ovum.
Mixed with dandelion tea, it helps conception delays caused by insulin-problems.

Regulates the function of uterus-muscle – a raspberry leaf tea cure (1 cup daily) for 12 weeks is recommended after impregnation and for 2-3 weeks around giving birth.

In case of inflammation in urinary tract and kidney we need to consume lots of liquid – leach – or a mixture of herb tea: ¼ raspberry leaves, ¼ blueberry leaves and ½ urinative tea.

Gout – ½ raspberry leaves, ½ blueberry leaves tea cure for 3 weeks, repeated several times, keeping a pause in-between. It reduces urine acid.

Raspberry tea is recommended daily for invigoration and refreshment.


Tea – 1 teaspoon of dried leaves infused with one cup of hot water, sieved after 8-10 minutes.

Face tonic – for acne must be combined with tea (internal use also).

Irrigation – in case of white discharge.

The fruit is very tasty for jelly or syrup and it also has antioxidant effect.

Long time ago the stem was cooked for a soup in the spring, having a very pleasant reddish color, or together with other spring herbs growing around the house was prepared a herb soup on Holy Thursday.

The fresh leaves and shoots can be also used in salads.


 Not recommended:
– for children,
– for nursing mother,
– for pregnant women until the 36th week of pregnancy,
– for people with constipation.