The garden thyme (Thymus vulgaris) belongs to the family of Lamiaceae and is traditionally called incense grass or wild savory. It is lying on the ground, reaches 5-20 cm and has small round leaves. It grows on rocky ground and on pastures. Thyme is a perennial plant with purple to pink flowers. It is a popular medicinal plant with special scent.
Active substances
Volatile oil with thymol and cymophenol content, as well as alcohol chains is responsible for the special scent. Its strongest substance is the thymol.
The shoots with leaves are collected without stems at the beginning of blossoming, from May to July. The shoots are cut above the woody part of the stem. It can be picked several times a year.
Curative effects
It is perfect for a good antiseptic tea that prolongs the life of cells and strengthens our immune system. It is one of the most reliable remedies for whooping cough. It is a good expectorant.
Curative herb tea: make a tea through infusion and drink it for cough, sore throat, liver diseases, depression, menstrual cramps, gastritis. It is a good expectorant in case for respiratory and bronchial diseases.
It is very effective for inhalation in case of snuffles.
Externally: it is a good antiseptic for skin, heals the wounds, smoothes and calms belly cramps for kids. Use the tea for rinsing in case of buccal inflammations or sore throat.
Extraction: we can also make thyme oil. Maturate one handful of fresh thyme flower in one liter of olive oil for 3 days. Strain and use it as painkiller in case of neuralgia.
Thyme syrup: infuse 25 g thyme with 50 g water and strain it after 20 minutes. Add 100 g of sugar and boil it until congeals.