On the 7th of October 2016, 8th grade pupils of the school of Lupeni visited the training center in Locodeni. They started to learn about medicinal and aromatic plants already at the herb stand of Fruit Festival. The next step was their visit to Locodeni. In the first part of the program they listened to the introductory presentation about basic information on the proper collection, drying process and storage of medicinal plants and they got known the main herbs of our region.  They already knew the most of those, some of them also their use. But the others were surprised by the novelty that some weeds might also have curative effects. Later on they organized a contest on herbs where the participants could test their knowledge about herbs and the bests had the opportunity to win a prize. In the processing atelier the pupils could see the equipment and machinery serving the dehydration, distillation and storage of herbs. In the herb garden they gained extra knowledge about herbs native to our region, they were interested especially in the less known species. At the end of the program the participants could warm up themselves by a hot tea made of 7 different medicinal plants, which proved to be very useful in the cold autumn weather.